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Khimchenko & Serebryany, 2017 Khimchenko, E.E. & Serebryany, A.N., 2017. Some features of internal waves on Abkhazian shelf of the Black Sea. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ocean Thermohydromechanics-2017, pp.180-183. На карте
Casagrande et al., 2009 Casagrande, G., Warn Varnas, A., Stéphan, Y., & Folégot, T., 2009. Genesis of the coupling of internal wave modes in the Strait of Messina. Journal of Marine Systems, 78, pp.S191–S204. На карте
Van Haren & Gostiaux, 2016 Van Haren, H. & Gostiaux, L., 2016. Convective mixing by internal waves in the Puerto Rico Trench. Journal of Marine Research, 74(3), pp.161–173 На карте
Izhitskiy et al., 2014 Izhitskiy, A. S., Khymchenko, E. E., Zavialov, P. O., & Serebryany, A. N. 2014. Hydrophysical state of the Large Aral Sea in the autumn of 2013: Thermal structure, currents, and internal waves. Oceanology, 54(4), pp.414-425. На карте
Serebryany & Khimchenko, 2018 Serebryany, A.N. & Khimchenko, E.E., 2018. Strong Variability of Sound Velocity in the Black Sea Shelf Zone Caused by Inertial Internal Waves. Acoustical Physics, 64(5), pp.580–589. На карте
Morozov et al., 2019 Morozov, E.G., Frey, D.I., Gladyshev, S.V., Klyuvitkin, А.А., Novigatsky, А.N., 2019. Physics of the atmosphere and the ocean 2019: Internal tides in the strait of Denmark. Oceanology, 55(3), pp.78-84. На карте
Chanona et al., 2018 Chanona, M., Waterman, S. & Gratton, Y., 2018. Variability of Internal Wave‐Driven Mixing and Stratification in Canadian Arctic Shelf and Shelf‐Slope Waters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(12), pp.9178–9195. На карте
Ibáñez-Tejero et al., 2018 Ibáñez-Tejero, L., Ladah, L. B., Sánchez-Velasco, L., Barton, E. D., & Filonov, A., 2018. Vertical distribution of zooplankton biomass during internal tidal forcing under mesoscale conditions of upwelling and relaxation. Continental Shelf Research, 171, pp.1–11. На карте
Maksimova, 2018 Maksimova, E.V., 2018. A conceptual view on inertial internal waves in relation to the subinertial flow on the central west Florida shelf. Scientific Reports, 8(1). На карте
Xie & Li, 2019 Xie, X. & Li, M., 2019. Generation of Internal Lee Waves by Lateral Circulation in a Coastal Plain Estuary. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(7), pp.1687–1697. На карте
Serebryany & Khimchenko, 2019 Serebryany, A.N. & Khimchenko, E.E., 2019. Internal waves of mode 2 in the Black Sea. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, 488(5), pp.555–559. На карте
Johannessen et al., 2019 Johannessen, O.M., Sandven, S., Chunchuzov, I.P., Shuchman,R.A., 2019. Observations of internal waves generated by an anticyclonic eddy: a case study in the ice edge region of the Greenland Sea. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 71(1), pp.1–12. На карте
Aslam et al., 2018 Aslam, T., Hall, R.A. & Dye, S.R., 2018. Internal tides in a dendritic submarine canyon. Progress in Oceanography, 169, pp.20–32. На карте
Liang et al., 2019 Liang, J., Li, X.-M., Sha, J., Jia, T., & Ren, Y., 2019. The Lifecycle of Nonlinear Internal Waves in the Northwestern South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49(8), pp.2133–2145. На карте
Reid et al., 2019 Reid, E. C., DeCarlo, T. M., Cohen, A. L., Wong, G. T. F., Lentz, S. J., Safaie, A., Hall, A. & Davis, K. A., 2019. Internal waves influence the thermal and nutrient environment on a shallow coral reef. Limnology and Oceanography, 64(5), pp.1949–1965. На карте